Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Searchers

Slug: Nicole Gonzalez 11/1/11, “The Searchers,” 119 min, English, Directed by: John Ford, (2007) Nominated for Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films USA for Saturn Award in Best DVD Classic Film Release, (1957) Nominated for DGA Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Picture: John Ford, and (1989) Winner for the National Film Registry.

The Searchers

The film theory that sticks out in “The Searchers” is genre because the movie is a western theme. Ethan Edwards is a cowboy who fights the Indians because they killed his family. Both Ethan and his sidekick and nephew, Martin, go to the cantina for drinks. In the end, the hero gets the girl in the end, Laurie. Another element is auteur because it tells a story about two different men trying to work together and good versus evil. The Searchers has both a story with a theme that is recognizable for audience.

Brian Henderson for the Film Quarterly states that the movie focuses on one character, which is Ethan Edwards. Majority of his motives is to solve problems. The camera follows his moves to show the audience how he fights off the Indians. Robert Ebert calls “Wayne character is racist without apology,” (Ebert 1). Also, directors such as Lucas and Scorsese were inspirations for both “Star Wars” and “Taxi Driver.” Ebert even looks at the racism scene as a way to bring humor in the movie (1). For the two articles, the main focus was on Ethan Edwards, the anti-hero who fights for justice.

In the beginnging of the movie, we see Ethan holding his brother's wife close; having some indication that he might be having an affair. He did not like Indians, he was tempted to kill Debbie because she married Scar the leader of the Indian tribe. The show shows his dislike towards Indians and uses slurs like "blanket head" as an joke. “The Searchers” shows the anti-hero of John Wayne.

Considered I have never watched a John Wayne movie, he is an iconic film actor. There were some moments in the movie that were a little hard to watch such as the anti-slurs against Indians and entire time of chasing Debbie. It seemed to me that the younger character was unsure whether he was in love with Laurie or Debbie.

Work Cited

Henderson, Brian."The Searchers: An American Dilemma," Film Quarterly. Vol. 34, No. 2 (Winter, 1980-1981), Published by: University of California Press Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1211909. pp. 9-23. Web.

Ebert, Robert. "The Searchers," RobertEbert.com. http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20011125/REVIEWS08/111250301/1023. pp.1-2. Web.

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