Saturday, December 17, 2011

Final Exam Essay#2

Follow shot- as the subject moves, the camera moves along with the subject.

Camera followed both Susan and Roberta when Roberta is driving to New York and Susan walkswith Jim to his van. Roberta sitting on the bench and Roberta following when she walks with Jim and when Susan is inside the vintage shop trying on shoes.

Tracking shot/travelling shot/dollying shot- Camera moves on wheels when the subject is riding on a mobile such as a car or a bus..

Roberta is driving to New York to follow Susan. After Susan leave the hotel room from Atlantic City, she rides on the bus to get back to New York. Any of the other scenes when Susan, or Roberta and Diz ride on the taxi.

Close up- the subject take up one single frame. Emphasizes to the audience how important the moment is.

The camera has a close up of Roberta and Diz spending the night after Diz bails her out of jail. Roberta’s memory comes back, she tells Diz that she is Roberta, but he doesn’t believe; shows how happy both Roberta and Diz in the moment. Susan in Roberta’s bedroom reading Roberta’s diary in torn under garments. Susan is in the public bathroom using the hand blower but she uses for to blow her hair.

Cross-cutting- two different actions are being done at the same time.

Susan gets arrested, she sees Roberta wearing her jacket and is being harassed by the guy who is black mailing her. Susan gets in the police car, Roberta’s head gets hit by a pole and get amnesia. Diz and Jim try to find Susan at the Magic Club. Susan brings Roberta’s husband and her sister-in-law in the club to find Roberta. Roberta is on stage, the stalker tries to go after Roberta, Diz and Roberta’s husband try to chase the stalker. Roberta is caught in a love triangle. Susan and Jim are in a basement having sex, the stalker takes Susan away. Susan crawls through the backstage window; where Roberta hits the stalker with a wine bottle and is knocked out cold.

Scene- A single shot that narrates the film.
Roberta’s head gets hurt by a pole. Diz tries to help her off the ground and helps her remember who she is. Diz and Roberta take off to her locker. They open the locker and find Susan’s stuff; unsure whether or not she is Susan. Diz almost leaves Roberta with her suitcase, but he feels sorry to leave her alone with a suitcase that she doesn’t even know about.

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